As the country’s political and economic central, population wise Greater Tokyo Area has surpassed beyond any megacities in the world. For a single megacity, Tokyo is home to 34,5 millions inhabitants and is now holding the degree of world’s most populous metropolitan area. Chaotic as it may seem in the surface yet everything is so effectively organized. Since the era of Shogunate rose to power or commonly known as Edo Period through the time of Meiji Restoration, along the way until today, Tokyo has grown to be one of the giant-beacon of world’s economy. Taking a closer look into this well-developed and aging society, the city offers its visitors with anything unusual, the Japanese way. Bizarre and quirky in it’s own way that is almost unreal, futuristic yet still putting highest regard on traditional values. All of these elements help shaping 21st century of Tokyo.
Soaring high in Tokyo Sky, the latest Tokyo’s landmark “Tokyo Sky Tree” successfully booked its name to be the highest tower structure in the world (left). Might not be as “hollywood-made” famous as the robot counterpart the transformers gang; in Odaiba, Tokyo, Giant Gundam Figure attracted hardcore fans from all over countries.
Paying respect for the souls of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken, Nation’s Sake Association offered these Barells of Sake wrapped in straw, located in the pathway of Meiji Jingu Shrine.